Friday, September 26, 2008

Pittsburgh gets another great review- this time in the San Jose Mercury News

In a travel review titled "Livable Pittsburgh steps from haze" the San Jose Mercury News talks about Pittsburgh's transformation as well as the wealth of outdoor opportunities.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pittsburgh workforce getting younger

If you've been following the real demographic trends locally and not buying into inaccurate, negative media hype, then this should come as no surprise.

The Trib reports that the median age of working Pittsburghers dropped from 40.5 in 2005 to 39.3 in 2007, according to figures released today by the Census Bureau. Here is a link to the article.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pittsburgh: #4 U.S. city in Tech Job Growth

The Post-Gazette reported today that Pittsburgh is #4 in the country in tech job growth. This is according to the leading tech job website

Hartford, Conn. led the way with 30 percent growth, followed by Cincinnati, 28 percent, Miami, 23 percent, Pittsburgh at 22 percent and Charlotte, N.C. at 21 percent.