Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pittsburgh Rated #1 Most Livable City in America...Again, Too Bad You Yinzers Don't Realize That

The new "Places Rated Almanac" has once again ranked Pittsburgh as "The Most Livable City in America". This is the seventh edition of the "Places Rated Almanac" (formerly published by Rand McNally) and Pittsburgh is the only city to finish in the Top 20 every time.

This is my favorite ranking because it is a well-established, completely independent and unbiased list that basically flies in the face of everything you negative Yinzer and Anti-Yinzer morons believe. There really is no way for you to dispute it, other than to say any ranking is arbitrary, which it is. The funny thing with you idiots is--and this destroys your credibility-- that any time a NEGATIVE ranking comes out for Pittsburgh, you claim it is the gospel truth. But when rankings like this come out, you dismiss them. Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways.

Here is the most interesting part to me. Not only does Pittsburgh rank #1 over every city in America. None of the cities that we are SUPPOSEDLY similar to--Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Buffalo, Baltimore-- even sniff the Top 10 in this ranking. Nor Chicago, New York, or any of these Sun Belt cities. Do you know why? Because they don't provide a quality of life that is even remotely close to Pittsburgh's.

As someone who has traveled and lived around the country extensively--32 out of the 50 states as of this posting-- I have always said that Pittsburgh is a combination of three cities: Seattle, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati. Coincidentally, Seattle finished #3 in the ranking and Philadelphia #5. The similarities to Seattle are the hills/natural beauty, arts scene and weather. The similarities to Philadelphia are the corporate presence, the toughness/gritty/blue collar background, the history, the ethnicity and the passion for sports. And the similarities to Cincinnati are the racial demographic, the Midwestern feel (even though Pittsburgh is in the East) and the rivers.

Anyway, it's time for Yinzers and Anti-Yinzers to decide if rankings are valid. Any rankings. That means if you dismiss this ranking, you have to also dismiss the negative rankings too. Make up your mind.


WDOphotography said...

How can I contact you to send you a press release?

Johnny Positive said...

You can send it to Thanks for your interest.

Richard Prescott said...

God bless you and your much needed blog! I am investing in, and buying a home in Pittsburgh, coming from the banal, overpriced Sunbelt where I am from. I've been to many great cities in North America and Europe, and Pittsburgh compares so well, especially considering what you get for your money. I am continually shocked and perplexed by the horrible outlook of so many of the natives of the area who actually take delight in putting down this once great, and soon to be greater city of the future. Best of luck!

Johnny Positive said...

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, actually that is the #1 downfall of Pittsburgh- the failure of locals and former locals to realize the great things that are right under their noses. The fact is that EVERY city has its good points and EVERY city has its bad points. Why people focus solely on the negative is beyond me. Maybe this blog will change a few minds.

Richard Prescott said...

Exactly. I am moving to Pittsburgh for what it has in abundance - many aspects of a quality life. Many more than where I am from, and Pittsburgh has them at a much lower price than any other area in the North East if not America, from what I can see.