Saturday, October 25, 2008

What bad economy? Pittsburgh businesses still thriving

We've heard many times about how the Pittsburgh housing market has been immune to the crisis that grips the rest of the nation. But what I think has been very under reported- especially by the Post-Gazette- is that the region's economy as a whole and the jobs outlook is much more positive than most people think and is doing much better than most regions in the country right now. While the rest of the nation comes to the realization of job losses and high unemployment, here are some of the business stories reported in Pittsburgh over the last few weeks. And again- mad props to the Trib for being the leader in reporting on this.

Pittsburgh region ranks in Top 20 in freight movement, Pittsburgh Trib, October 25, 2008

Rostraver firm to add 1,500 jobs, Pittsburgh Trib, October, 24, 2008

Pittsburgh rises as convention location, Pittsburgh Trib, October 20, 2008

Office vacancy rate drop optimistic, Pittsburgh Trib, October 19, 2008

Pittsburgh Airport mall leads nation in per-passenger spending, Pittsburgh Trib, October 18, 2008

Starkist Tuna moving HQ back to Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Trib, October 7, 2008

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